The Thatched Pub Project
There are over 500 thatched pubs in England and Wales
Let's visit them all!
Project Conclusion
On 31st August 2024, after a couple of pints in the Five Bells, Clyst Hydon, this five year project was over.
On this date no other Thatched Pubs, other than the 557 illustrated here, are open for business.

.....................Unless, of course, they have been inadvertently overlooked!

There was no list to work from, I have created my own.

An unexpected problem was deciding what a Thatch Pub actually is.
Varying amounts of thatch are involved and it took a couple of hundred pints before a standard set in.
If the thatch keeps off the rain and is used by all, the pub counts.
So a thatched porch counts and even a thatched lytch gate.
There are also a few interesting, stand alone thatched structures in pub grounds and these definitely need to count.

Deciding what a Thatch Pub is accounts for the insersion of two slightly delayed pubs, 118a and 120a on the Isle of Wight.

Another tricky area concerns pubs trending to upmarket, where the beer focus is perhaps not as strong as it might be.
In these cases, if the environment they have only exists through years and years of beer heritage, the pub is in.
It is not easy owning a Thatched Pub as some of the challenges are harder
and it is fantastic that all these wonderful Thatched Pubs are out there for us to enjoy.
Visit them yourself whenever you can!